Saturday, November 27, 2010


actual animals, carved along their joints. across the necessary divides of the American continent , Holes where
there were once walls.
Long work, multicolored artifacts
like a brief radiance glimpsed glanced on the far side of a door which we cannot go through.
He could orient himself but he could not arrive. What happened was near-perfect not-quite poor animal poor animal, why the fur so dry
Primitive pyramid (where muses dwell) party. Can you move around in there? and how!

The old-woman is high as a kite. It's in there if it's in there, he said. You should do it if you need to do it, she said. You'll fond the sequence transposing digital holograms. Insect microscopic, in the back pocket
Defend the future young man.
Young woman why did you get so cute what made you so beautiful?
A dedication to breaking all the laws of the universe.
Don't wait for them to attack if they're going to attack. Andthey are already. Destroy the enemy, any enemy throughwith starvation.
vision of the Western Lands is characterized by silence. Create and defend a commune of affinity. Ritualized unigenesis, chant upon the red rug, it can't occur without blood.
Describing the entrance into, reaching it just after twilight post-blue only. Secret naked men on the back
Conceptual disease and sickness and death as performance and confrontation is too much for them in the afterblue night. More confusing still is all that will actually happen as it happens.   "devastating at first you drown in it our voices are muted as if we were talking through felt" flood hieroglyphics.
Woodsman, sneaker
Where went...upon my death, never speak my name again. Yon Speke...reverse ritual to go into the animal house

We must verbalize in order to see. And if it is verbalized to others it is seen. It is manifested in thoughtand conception, realized, made real. Real now through the saying, all words are invocation. Silence creates void, great void to be embraced. andso write, the words writ large, then the witness will read, will say, will think and thus form for you. Spell the spell.

Flat owls send me away, no vows gathered or who to witness such. Repeating preamble of whatever
could happen next
Should havebeen cubelocked, takes
The sheath from out the sword, forward

"God, bein' nothin' never began
from a
Swollen wet vagina dripping with tears and the mother's concern for the footprint of her son, or anythin' else except..."
an open invitation to the wind and other forces
For to work their freely spoken spells uninterrupted and unhindered. Thorns of the bramble barbs bared. Somewhere we have never been and covered in pollen.
"we are in the glory of not knowing what we are doing!" she doesn't know these are the feelings he gives us; love, wonder, laughter, heroism, fear, sorrow, anger, disgust, and...the pyramids change, after being set ablaze

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Oh, it’s so old-fashioned, already.
In case you forgot. Who begat?
Young animals, ambient forest (of signs)
hand, mind, desires, intention,
Is to eat a pear obscene,
Is it obscene to eat a pear?
is she talking to me, to him because
time has stopped people from television in the dark of night but only in the last seconds of itself because
true natural, ancient of days is formed, born from
earth too…tremendous strength of lifting, holding stars
Where is the justice in my cold hands.
ofcost of cost
what are the sounds of a suffering man, or any animal
and day, Monday but not winter
. . . . . . . seven is when they become wild
try to imagine that, the golden tickets were counterfeit, can you believe it or not that person was probably starving, a Coyote with an endless appetite
slow-motion collapse of cellophane full of your very own breath. I saw the feather
She reminds me of Peace oh what Beauty!
can you believe it? one more
one more sheet of paper at a time
like one piece of paper each day, by the thickness of one sheet of paper each day.

disintegration cymbals, projection of structures and people, obliteration of expected presence, obliteration,
…incomplete and inconclusive journeys or acts of gradual disappearance.
Ancient aleotorically, the ritual of performing, without performing anything.
excellence of that hitherto
Any form perfectly realized is beautiful
so don’t doubt them when they say that they don’t know…
the perspective is gone from those alchemical drawings

Intimate solutions, attempted. Eternal punishment for how the structures change. Holy church of the void-grinder. internal strictures.
Restricted access but not to her dark cities quarantine Inside out inside our history
The splendor of architectural shadows in a nihilistic age. The dirt sings it's own song.
The girl who married the morning star, painted half red and half black. Waking with star flesh or moon flesh in their clenched fists.

Fossil finder as mud arrives in every room, dusted with fine white chalk
Why is there someone on that golden crown throne I thought they were only dumped about him. I didn't know it was true, what they said about you. Who was it that helped you?
Destroy (popular) culture
Rebuild warmth heat health death meat?
The devil is bad company crystal fists with you in the future imperfect I side inside outside," I said.
To her sadly, super wild horses. In the wind winter approaches wand long
In the silence the secret to hold. You were be-knighted and you were to bolden and broaden at the thresholds last hold. Hammer and teeth a red dog circling the skeleton? And in all the pleasure, what bends in the wind? She was a ghost when you left and now you've gone deaf blind mute. Into the night into the night I to the gray night. Dark grey
That no one can hear very clearly over the din of crumbling castles of salt and sweat. Sweat arches
Temple of paper temple of leather, temple of feathers, obscure abhorrence! Away withthee forever! At the edge of a sacred meadow the ghost belonged to her. Is essentially true in all it's statements...nothing has been...drawn from the imagination.
While he did slip the trap and enjoy am authentic taste of freedom. They, together, resolved to turn their backs on transitory pleasures and risk the more enduring liberation that escape did bring. They refused the endless static is contained release in favor of the apocalyptic.
He began to retrieve what had been cast into the dungeon by the architects. The New World/be one a work of art of the spirit, seed of power. New gods, old gods, faiths unknown had to be invoked in order to heal them.
Copper lode beneath the ground-surface; thick.

Friday, November 5, 2010


The storm, The fall, The center of the world
The specter of nihilism haunts
he on the bridge, promise an answer

each in succession, animated, throughout the day in flat ever against the background, back of the sky

burgundy tongue
the moment just past is extinguished forever, save for the things made during it.
“There was Earth inside them, And They Dug.
Where did the way lead when it led nowhere?”
(gargantuan capacity for ruination)
Sphinx - “A coffin baring the face of a girl/A book/Written on the stomach of a Crow/A wildflower hidden in a beast/ [space of two or 3 lines] /A rock/Breathing with the lungs of a schizophrenic:/This is it/This is the twenty-first-century.”

vanquish consciousness while still alive. Next, let’s try changing the shape. A shape into a form, a form into a shape
Black is myself (incubation breath)

Set your favorite book aflame. (don’t buy another copy, wait until you receive one as a gift, or find)
Listen to nothing, read nothing, look at nothing created before the last millennium

Metaphysics and Ethics

Winter the most truthful (release)
to create what appears to be an aura around the nimbus around the halo
The sacrificial dimension of light and time, wood and work
Bones. Working on the other side of the wall

Work as Action
Complex paradox revolving from chaos
Gut, near doom, black maps, not to scare you I am roaring. End times and gold mines

Artifacts telling
Tomes Lost in the camouflage. Endless any time a temporal eternity to blame for the song in your head
Who resembles you?
Obsession preserves memory
No start again next world. Keep illusion for the end...
Only after dark eventually. Two different approaches to invisibility...
Laughing philosopher in layers. Concealed stems
boast strength silence invention Digesting architecture. History is enhanced.
Down in the think, the deceased amateur new sequence of spheres and smoke, wandering possibility. Depictions of transfer in silence. Only something
to be filled itwill be...Weatherwhether you want it to be, or notitwill be. Trust yourself for at least one minute each day.
Matter transformed, no longer doing what it did before. Placed somewhere else; taken, moved brought doing something other.

Then they made a, nobody can imagine.
Cannibals at the last supper?
There is no black. There is no black. It is a sure sign of midnight.
The vast earth rejoices, as he follows the blood path.
Ferocious welcome. Drop a dead (blue) pony on the virgin weavers. Home-made religion...welcome the mercurial imagination!
And whence you go and when once you go and when you go once to find her she will not appear we shall not appear. For appetite
The three goddesses and the hound. Two black batteries, the dirt sings it's own song.

Monday, November 1, 2010



Horizontal frontier & Anarchic harmony
Less like an object and more like the weather. Where are the boundaries? Where is the center of weather?
When he points down, that will be the middle.
How many directions can your attention be in go in simultaneously. faithful to and revelatory of
Everyone on their own horse,
riding toward the cataclysm ? or paradise
Hatred Mountain

It is industry and government that have caused a vast majority of the environmental crisis. Despite this, They now try to put the responsibility and blame on the people.
A much more sophisticated level of control.
To control what people do, or how. Make the product more expensive, while saving them money.

Many scales and levels of pollution
Show your wound. (don’t conceal) Show your wound.
Don’t allow the material crisis to distract you from the spiritual crisis. Don’t allow the material crisis to distract you from the spiritual crisis. Don’t allow the imaginary to distract you from the real. Don’t allow the real to distract you from the imaginary.
Have your dream. Promising nothing.
Time to be surprised. (do you have time? did you make time?)
Responsibility for your own acts. The making of meaning.  What new questions can be asked?

I believe this disproves my existence., does she? To year zero, I have no idea(s) everyone else does.
you can see if it is the first or something after
holding so tight, when anyone else is around, hold tight, hold it together, hold it up. & do you & how could I? Try. 

You just got your wish
Your wish just got you

Why were they young? & where were they from?
Why don't you come out and help?
Some benefit from the inward movement of energy Implosion all alone. Look onto the clouds, look into
Conjugation of bold faith and heart as evening draws in.
Those who feel they have something to teAch and those who feel they have something to learn have the right and responsibility to come together. "Aura" from object/product to person. I feel it is important now to appearapproachmeet with nothing in order to get closer to people to make contact.
There may be things to come of which we cannot dream. Thee gold of a
Thousand mornings.
A feeling of awe for what we as humans should be. The difference between ideology and knowledge.
Atavistic clairvoyance...the surrounding vessel

Trilateral creed creed chaos and instability solved with a fascist militaristic government. Nixon was doingit in Central America, contras and dictators.
Oh rebels. Oh. Oh anarchists. "You win all the time."
 "It's true." Look for direct personal contact with the actual facts and events & experiences in the surrounding embracing world.
It's rare but it's true.
Find your way to the spirit through your own inner resources.?
'we live in a time of transition.'
All times are times of transition!
Find your way to discovering what you are looking for.
"People hardly know what it means to be human. In real life a person today knows little about what a human being is."
and despite all that we experience today, we may nevertheless have confidence that humankind will find their way out of the tragic destiny of the present time.
Effort effort Cinderblock cardboard

We cannot accept the carnality and joy of our own personal creation, of the creation of ourselves. The aspect of eternity through spiritual life or biologically through procreation.
The sheer willfulness it takes to sustain a certain thought. I do think sustained effort has a great impact on the manifestation of form.

Connections of destiny
Brought about by Human beings who have not yet been born. Spiritual, cultural, political
Totem totem
Mystery, hole dog, death
A wooden car, a  wolf
Wounded wound
A horses head, for you!

Tandem, the gods are on all things. He told Nero ask, "What is living within this?"
Sustained vitality. Abstract utopia not to trap, never to trap but to open and free and liberate. from magic to profanity. Profane history, from the heathens of the totem cult. Television party, working-class coffin. "I have found that you must light a room on fire to warm the house." at thiS moment in time the time of crisis approaches. The most exalted holy realm right down to the shit. All of them are costume parties to know about the spiritual world or have belief in it? Or you could be communism, communism is a party. Turn off the television and listen to the wolves or listen for the wolves through the drone. so that she can become what has to start in the present time and which is the only thing that can bring healing for the future of humankind.

Bloody witch
Because we are people of flesh and therefore connected with the earthly animals. We want to eat
And in the whole span of human existence everything fits together with the greatest possible meaning.
Guardian of the Threshold & Dweller on the threshold
Door When the blood flowed from these centers, the great Sun-spirit was liberated from the physical vehicle of and found itselves IN THE EARTH, without individual vehicles