Friday, December 24, 2010


Extraordinary creatures of the abyss
The united states of America out of business, a free man wins the victorY
“What should I do if it were to ever collapse?!”
“Some would say it already has…”
“To be able to see ourselves, not merely as others see us, but as we are, that service a variety of absorbing employment does us.”

“blood rapport,” she says
pyramid anatomy,
(near the edge
it becomes more bold, searching for…)
And so he chewed his leg off to escape the trap and lived with three legs for ever after.
Is it in danger or does it increase the danger permanently, what is it actually about, can you take it much further, for 10 hours 10 years,
I would rather there be no control, no control, than a few rich in control. reptilian conspiracy 23% in the hands of 1%
is justice important? what do you have to say about where we are going in the future
is no snow what they meant by the end of the world in 2012 have they had it with Winter, never Winter ever again? billions of years is enough and now never again. Phenomena is never-aging, it is eternal youth, endless and fresh
any possibility of the 25th century or not
What is his point? Can a point be 10 hours long, or does it become a line at that point?
the structure inside the structure might collapse, upon all the flags and ‘they love their money’ Don’t buy gasoline.
There are others out there
there are others out there who care
keep your head above water, poignantly. or drowning, drowning ballad, empty castles at the bottom of the ocean. He was there alone with the volume all the up

filibuster the world.
filibuster everything forever. (tell them about your family, your fear, your feelings) long into the night (everyone left before the end anyway, one at a time and then more, speak to the empty room)
don’t stop filibustering, thank you

taking the doctor’s suggestion that I cut myhair proved useless. / more and more rules
are escaping our notice they were
secretly put in the museum
“say we have one problem and one-hundred solutions instead of choosing just one of them, we use them all” this is better advice, to heart
to a new country where the rocks have not been burned

since others make art, he cannot, time is too valuable and so he will make something else, something other
no need to direct one’s attention, phenomena comes to it. don’t give me an idea I have one thank you. she will give you some surprising information
Full of holes, so you can leave any time, right now, go Full of holes

To be below the bottom of the world’s deepest water.
Last night there was a party I could not go, I spent the time looking for you in the long nights, running as fast as I can, “Oh, run!” I am naked and drunk, when will they wander back to me, and don’t ask later who lost her first. Meeting in the Christmas lights, oh holy day!
Making lucky, living lucky, to be blessed and glad! Rainbows even in the night.
Hawks can fly so high. Why have the bumblebees escaped mid-winter? Naked and blind, leave it all in the mailbox. Rub to warm.
What do you mean?
Anything I can.
What does it mean?
Anything it can,
It means anything it can.

Stare at one thing for one hour
Stare at one thing for one hour
Stare at one thing for one hour
Stare at yourself in the mirror for one hour.

Stare at one object for five minutes
Stare at five objects for one minute
Stare at nothing forever

Count all of the blue things in the room.
for Aurora with love, Christmas 2010

Learn to walk up the walls.

Count all of the leaves on 7,000 trees.

What is always at stake
Solstice, reincarnation then to be a sperm and then a man? Andishe? in the snow
We need to search your baggage for snow...yessir of course you do and of course you do. You will not allow us to completely heal. And always add insult.

Worm consumer confessing What allegiance may be to. When the darkness of the continent is at its worst...germination, the future does polarize the past, two looms together, feeding feline onto umbilical enclosure

Tribes of destruction, worshipping the burning monolith, electrical pylons running cords wires into submerged pagan genius. Muscular strength, agility, venom, camouflage,

Gelatinous vast area of intergalactic space surrounding the Milky Way...mucous, a prodigious number if eggs, in the canyon, bramble weeded, dry (xeric) the son was so-and-so and committed thus-and-such an act.

If ever all
Was not so temporary and done before it had began, an entire life even, upon the thinnest black ice-crystals, Pyramids, when the base was very broad and the apex imperfect. The ancients learned the ideal way to build a pyramid through trial and error; collapsed structures built in different ways attest to this. Breathe as you did when nineteen.

I am the wildman of your heart! Where am I? And if I do not know what I am called

How shall
We destroyThere is energy that is there between the two processes of giving birth to a question and producing  an answer, I am not trying to create anything other than what there is not.

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