they eat flowers
with their tongues
and bend their backs
lateblooming wildflower,
raging, instability of after harvest,
the song of the women (present) is to invite you
"I know someone who can."
laugh, new neon colors
drinking the fruit, eating the fruit, smashing the fruit all over my face,
walking the streets this way, at the usual time, or much later
in the wet weather past
(nature is the emotional thermometer outside the window)
the mysterious female is the valley from which the world has emerged,
turning over in measure
just put them in, seeds and all
foreign rotation, the beginning anyway( is the end)
the flame returns
a horde, fed to satiation, with the feeling, no matter how much
maybe it's fire that spreads climbing the hill, its belly,
"something that she said," she says (sweating)
at the top of the hill, subtly pointed horizon, the original there...
you always pass in front of me, so I burn for you
cut not softened, possibility of scarring.
fiction (friction)
We construct abandoned bridges.
strings attaching
to make a net, broken-faced resents, doesn't like what he's catching. his ocean is only filled with
what he put there, repopulating another gulf eventually, & some of this is genetic materials
a sword stabbed (embedded) into the ground, perhaps to grow green leaves of happiness
bisected difficulty in covering withmetal
challenges of, a skin ofmetal
wall removed, floor removed
corresponding spectacularly with a vanishing point;
no possible center,
not opposites / differences or degrees, temperature
storm approaches, only from the left, throwing it far, when the news is received
but these things these things are told like a mystery
glossolalic ambidexter, fictive
edited ... deadly duels and dark deceptions,
murmur (more a whisper) radius
flower unfolded itself
wider spreads fire
(violet periphery)
in the dark-blue night, above the treeline, remembered other dreams
Out in the rain, thunder holds a grudge (he in his interior speed)
my gaze surviving
& the beast, still...
red-skinned and shitting from his mouth, this time
each finger a forked tongue
entering upon sudden understanding
making himself aware of such difficulties. a boulder crashing down singularly and suddenly , again & again (and him under...)
we do not feel as we want any longer, we can feel what we are
in these still apparently holy surroundings
the demolition can occur in the hearing of...
concatenation, encephalograph
temporal impossibility paradise
impossible to make spelling mistakes, one decade before the millennium
do not dare, I say god be damned shut that right the fuck down right now, directly
I will not let you
that was always a bad idea, a pox
memory of water hypothesis
"looking out the windows, peering out the venetian blinds" he
we approach the present, toward recognition
older, younger, anything, music unheard.
a (space)ship adrift, for how long
recollection of navigation
Perfect example of where we should have been, attempting to get lost
deep within
in a hollow of the space that spreads,
stark gestures, the strength of edges (larilla)
and my body is the surrounded space
reversible in the reflection of a shadow, "My eyes threw themselves all over, piercing seeing and sleeping."
(ellipses, passage between)
approximate and unharmonic colors
punishing center, incendiary devices
nice as well
to live in a cave alone, drinking your tears
napalm on wildflowers,
as far as I know
thriving in a warm environment, warm and wet,
tear-stained from beneath,
Dividing the grass in search of the snake
marginal daydream
a star in an eggshell, or; an egg with the flesh of a star
once stained, remains stained...
even when discarded, audio artifacts, two kinds of information at once is imagination and the imaginal,
every single calorie (necessary heat) and the star measured thusly
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