Sunday, October 31, 2010


The upside-down flames
Hunt to die, carrying a sword theme
Bringing her to the temple of the holy Grail. Another also loves the other, accusing them of witchcraft.
achieved a complexity beyond it's own rationale, each element maintains its independence illuminating whatever was going on referring to an unabridged dictionary
Syntactic coherence can hide semantic incoherence. Count on those who feel committed. Center of the center, as they are always trying to trespass unknown  on the territory property realm of the other in whatever dimension uninvited or installed. A finger pointing directly at a star. The form has survived. "Why do you mean for him to kill what you love?"

"At first they tell me that everything that I want simply will not work. Then I insist on it, and some of this finally gets realized. But we can't change institutions. The anarchistic view is this: Institutions can't be changed. They're wrong by nature."
The ancient will ancient will
America exists only on its discovery, & its discovery is always an accident.

Go to the periphery and look whereever  you want to, you can there. You are then free to confront your freedom. "To know one must go beyond the imagination and for that one must stand absolutely still as though in the center of a leap."
A blooming dyad of pleasure.
Everything is an omen, so we continue doing and changing.
Bring all these Autumn trees into bed with you and they'll all turn green again.
One of the relics from an age more perfect in a luminous gathering of clouds. The sacred ruins the divine light emanating about the rainbow all affirm astral omens To look through the eye and not with it or with and not through
Lost your brown bandana in the rain. Take these autumn trees to bed and they'll be green again!
Anybody who wants a bandana can wear it... as an American free- thinking maverick. Look at what you are looking at.
Can't help laughing as they surely do.
Whip quickest hipdraw in the westwest

Interstitial accident convergence of two forms two gravities through cartilage translator
Visceral predicament Pandemonium and astonishing panorama in and throughout amidst the tumult and moxie a raw
not only leaves, lights too, & knots
Of the gut
of the gut
of the girl, release
Sequence of silences
The child destruction, on the day of the antler
 We want to live forever, not just until tomorrow.
In advance,

Saturday, October 30, 2010


You will never be alone in the circle of stone
What did you abandon in sleep and can it be
At the end of your time
The buildings scattered, torn rags, paper garbage
Garbage follows you everywhere, through your centuries
Vertical and horizontal, what was one is now the other
this is your discord, the animals’ harmony
your muscles obsolete carnage & viscera

waxing gibbous
take off your face, give it to all
those dead trees with your transparent hands
occasions past, to turn in, to turn in
for the night, in isolation as the threshold is crossed
until beyond, don’t move from that point and do something to seal, to solidify, to internalize, repeat again when vertical.
treats, treaties, 

What he saw is replaced by seeing him
To complete the work, whatever it is: artistic, political (revolutionary) we need to change, Devotion
live without a ruler, free, to be courageous, face up to difficulty, and be together while everyone lives as she or he needs.
I am looking for something we haven't yet found. Practicing creAtivity and singing anarchy...singing creativity And practicing anarchy
Give no portion of your treasure to any crown or throne or capitol and your own country instead with no coin or king or capital. Certainly and obviously not your self. Never

Lost storms, lost dogs
Wild home wild hymn wild him
Who's to blame?
Wild ducks on North American frontier
Back in the rain on your feet.
It has no mouth but it is telling me many things.
2) the way they do grow in that soil in that dust living from. & When they do come our above they are sweet they taste...of celebrating
It gave warmth as he told him the truth
an American said,
"Form to come above He'll
Line of surface horizon soil" atlas
3) in front of her, doing her
Bidding, whatever
Have her her wishes
Parades. It was in our minds what she put there of all ideas
Not that she ever showed, that is for is though alas

Immaculate metallic, precious metals
Urine, crystals, a cave. A different story, watching a movie in the hallway, watchingher I can't be sure.
Of triumph or victory...

Canyon canyon dark dog barking
Breathe deep. Long saint, she was there for androgynous rebellion and American divinity...what did she get?
She does not want done to her what she did visit upon another. Past trespasses willdo haunt. Ghost of bones gnawing themselves.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Cleft of teeth, cloven teeth
All animals pagan, no governmentNo houses no schools,Freedom and no possessions How long does it take to forget?How you will look when you are removed from the stomach of A beastI don't give a damn about your chess and am unimpressed by your strategyDon't let them see you with that fly on your cheek lip ear"tell me if anything was ever done...Nature is an infinity of events which have never happened, and have never been experienced."A shadow falls between gnashing teeth as the mouth opens & a shadow fell between them.Where do reality and divinity part, if ever I'd known.On the cusp, mouth open

Two rocks wed to one another, prayingThe fruit of happiness ripened by the sun of desireThe Moon covered in feathersMeconium & mensesLight him on fire once he is saturated with bloodThis is why the shaman was so concerned with transformationYoung man against a background of flames...Was unable to ignore her Red reds or the red cross upon his chestTravellers among mountains meet upon a fertile exchange saliva and fur

An acolyte with probing finger, a magnet and harp or guitar string hand & gut.Marauding and touching the wound with dirt and smoke.Panoramic distortions and astral secrets
no lightsetting, only questions, no answers
 who made what? What made who? &how?
By this time tomorrow I will have to be gone. But tomorrow has never been today, has it?
Loss of information
We know virtually nothing.
Broken glass, I don’t mind
I don’t know, there’s the moon
“Liberty is essential to Creativity”
fearless freedom,
it is the responsibility of the society to support their artists in exploration
in cultivating freedom
there are many impulses for making art (vitality, necessity, because you have to)
and many impulses for freedom, for liberty (what you can get away with, anarchy?, disruption/rebellion
Her hard nipple pressed against the stone
Just a whisper of flesh and texture,
A hair, a single hair moved dust
Hands on stomach, then lifted as they inhaled
Drink the juice of heaven
Before your body is gone birds will consume you, into beak, their feathers carcass-stained
Opposites copulated, thrusting masses forces were male, until snow fell down upon them, silver turned black and the Moon waxed and waned.
Depending on how much is was diluted with water ink could be everything from mist in the valley to a towering mountain

Sunday, October 17, 2010



October twelfth 2010
Signed in spirit blood
I'm warning you
The birds call from the trees above.
The sun is unveiled from behind and aft the clouds and she remains in the tree's shadow
I will never die again.
Name them the color that they are
Game over... Guitar
Awful gutter they all want to die
It is yet to be seen if they ever will
Golden fossil
What is your mom saying
The world of holymatrimony
Deadend cemetery
The flesh of language
Why did you stop drinking
I was born stonedhigh