Sunday, July 31, 2011


The long river is a single line,
He lights a cigarette and listens Tothem through the walls all night.
Thunder or
Else nothing at all
They'd been waiting to get a look through the house. (quick and thorough, deep and in the dark room
At night everything is eclipsed toward enlightenment.
Shut the door behind them
As they enter. As they leave.

save the smoke from her (eyes) her lips pressed to this burnt paper
move from the flat flat salt to the top of the stone, atop the stone altar
A place of new mysteries, the keeper of the Golden Shrine dismantles and moves, the action of transportation to, what can be brought
Along a long arm
Greatness and nobility throwing all the rest out the window.
A slow cuspid turn to the left,
making someone taking you
In the mountains then back on the front in two weeks.

Green after green,
green after green &
green after green
You know I'm right.
It could be seen through well enough, too but what to
The next day she tried again
with the slip of pink and
all the glass in the face
The newspaper set on fire.
all wounded, aflame
The symmetrical architecture of the afternoons,
Hermit, "space is the motion of the infinite."
And she replies, "I have walked difficult paths, deep in the forest, towards the mountains."
nothing left to them but a stone tied to a stick.
and then an exit

"what do you know of the good?"
The egg and flower Blue
Flames rise up
Muscles areflexed
Bonfires are lit, atop skyscrapers, even
Looking fromthe height of the birds' stomachs.
& he...
Running toward the paper horizon
Until hell would not have him (painted horizon)
Girls and a woman left outside the secret place where they'd been drinking, wailing and motionless
Outside, the boy heaRd women speaking all to every each other
"we are able to be instruments of liberation in a dark and troubled time," they told him on his departure
When he went somewhere else
Th Hermit again, "the wraiths of gods lies sleeping. It was hidden a million years before men and only men have the power to wake it."
And the boy, again, "how these things end, in confusion and curses and blood."

She had wanted the coyote to eat her, laying back, flower-breasted, all her natural scents, she thought there was nothing wrong, both arms bend, then folded, askew and "no feeling involved" in her own words. "eye eat moldy food" he replied and devoured "you cannot keep yourselves safe or okay, those bushes over there have sharp thorns" so driven to do you know, if you're not in a neutral place
She slapped herself in the face, which is in most situations, it's better to be that way
Witch because
A problem in reverse, "it's not naturaL"
"runnin' 'round, Runnin' 'round, whoa!"

She held, definitely to
The bottom half if his right pinky
With her left hand, elliptical fingernails polished as fine silver
For he would
Allow her no more, in public (their private and genital arrangement will not be described here)
with her hair hacked off, short
As a boy and dark nearly black in contrast to the pale ivory of her skin
and she wearing a baseball hat, and the hat red
And his hair red, and his hair shorter than her bobcat,
They passed and she looked back, over shoulder, toward an unlikely memory

Clean the oven with aluminum foil,'
One month later the passport is suddenly stamped
Two triangles ... one atop the other, riding & ridden
horses, to be sure
Flags before the organs
Banners announce and proclaim, heroic ballads launched from
Resonant teeth and diaphragm, the flags billow and gust
Memories are transient, but ghosts remain. They who leave and never return but are always there.
Who is the party really for? Who is served?
Living in a tent, pointing or parting two fingers.

Fragment cannibal, secret satellites, an arrival
Secret satellites above the sunset
One had turned left and previously the one on the left had slowly and definitely overtaken the other
Lightning carries fire
But the reverse is not true.
Beyond the/their wildest speculation

They must and so do
Ask, the man where he is from, "where are you from?"
"Where coyotes have dug up the dead and scattered their bones." & howling wilderness"
twisted hair feast
Spoken with a straight tongue
Truly, he, at least, spoke "with a straIght tongue."
Long-drawn and weird, high-pitched
Golden gate smashed, actively, or collapsed historically

Each heard all heard
The boom of rock falling somewhere far below them in the darkness within the Earth.
(andwithin the starlit water)

Did not an did not have to
Nor did have, nor didn't
"I can describe it
To you by describing something that can't really exist."

"when measurement doesn't work, a more intimate notion of space begins...," The Architect
Through his eyes
Naked like himself
Abstracted the sharp, man-of-the-morning
The archives filled entire with
Bones and amysterious fossil singular
Galloping toward the fire

Working in concert with
Or in resistance to
Cultural history
1(Closed, oppressed, poor, losing many unjust wars, failing economically, in massive debt,...)
2(crisis and impending doom, 'out of a corner' of what is left) what she could salvage. Not what was possible, as regards invention, growth and freedom, but what she could hold on to, as a human being, in a context of failed hope and danger.

Beyond our focus lies background, negative netherworld, horizon of silence,


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

07062011-t / 25th

Between the Sun and the strong, Godspeed
Pestilential miasma, a bell covered entirely or possibly made from fishscales coiled, ravaged gathered,
(a darker she, she carrying necronomicon and grimoire, threnody and graystone into smoky disappearance of bane and unforgiving any of the wrongs of this world.
This world and the next.)
Barren warmth, who had arrived was unknown
Conceived or convinced or deceived or received (not yet though) Alone, can be found in the foreground
Liminal Hero of liminal conflicts, symbolic relevance, in scale with trees, Onthe main axis of entry, undeniable if unforeseeable, unforeseen and unobserved,  to avoid encroachment on the reality at hand, before crucified,
"Get you another beer, Youngblood," from the backroom, where the freedom lies, milky and vespine
Half holding his breath in the gloom that glows faintly
Moths crossing the mouth of the flame

"whoever heard of a newspaper with no date!?" he said, tearing in haLf the sheets.
A plague of incomprehensible events; he could put none of their parts together, he could put no part of it together,
A flood fell, falling
"blue blue blue" andthen outraged sky, vailing his weapon, going every day.
"I don't dine at the King's table..." he finally replied
Sprawling mica constellations
On the hardwood, worm-writ
"There's going to be misery, a history exhaustively researched remaining far from complete."
Aims to faithfully replicate the original, yet is at best a lackluster semblance, shorter and duller than the original
Great Divide, never letdown, the passage of time making possible
the goal of conquering illusion, the corpse that never (& cannot) rots
It stood for many years, one is prowling (stalking) and one is defiant
lithe beeline, never asking why...
Wishing all on to a worse Hell yet

Since they sat in darkness there was not even the drone of swarming insects.

She hadn't learned yet, or yet learned how to look invisibly, "yes, secretly, as we speak." she said, making it obvious to all within earshot
Trying to give him the same medicines she had wanted to give her father and which were appropriate for the latter and anathema to the former.
"to not fail when they try, eternally, their considerations are warped, they don't even know what is important, life sustaining, survival, ..."

The wild horse still runs,
over microscopic precious metals, possessed through flood or magnetism or satellites or "act of god"
An assurance about the knot and the dagger
A bitter curse hurled at the sanitation here, sanitization and the poisonous blight elsewhere.
told em all to go to hell he never done it
Inthe grandfather of time, a ballad transpired here, some love gone wrong,
Older dawns and nothing will ever be as it Was. No news is good.
Gone from these days none knew where.

A blurry Atlantis from the corner of her eye
A quaking egg, the third zygote dividing itself into oblivions, in the insects' shadows.
Salvaged from the weathers, and the graveyard downriver. to the subtle obsession
And uniqueness, ran darkly down, patinaed scars
He lowered the stone with care.

(cornucopia placed and same thus admired, "brown gray alabaster," bone-colored)
Dedication ceremony in honor of...
The core of the Earth sucking their bones and turning & turning without oil...unfathomable impetus,
On the mating habits, inverted in silver shown, shiny tombstone teeth, a longdrink down his dark throat.
Old dead revelers reminiscing in the night.
...float over the cold gray void like transient artifacts from an arctic dream...
He brimmed the cup with cream, revolver
He came upon the bones ofa horse
I'm sorry eye was too late, and the monster and the black stage, eye cried
Sun to sun across oblique hemispheres forever,
"the same where it was last year," she said 'neath the monoliths